Michel Bauwens: The New Rules of Innovation – Bottom-Up Solutions to Top-Down Problems

The New Rules Of Innovation: Bottom-Up Solutions To Top-Down Problems In his new book, Vijay Vaitheeswaran argues that we’re thinking about worldchanging innovation all wrong: It’s not going to come from where we expect it. Arnie Cooper www.fastcoexist.com, 19 March 2012 The world is currently standing “on the cusp of a post-industrial revolution.” So writes …

Graphic: Competing Influences on the Policymaker (Treverton)

Source Attribution: Robert David Steele, ON INTELLIGENCE: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World (AFCEA 2000, OSS 2002), “Figure 17: Competing Influences on the Policymaker,” p. 53.  Recreated by the author from memory of the same information presented by Dr. Gregory Treverton (originator) at the Harvard JFK “Intelligence Policy Seminar” circa 1986.

Chuck Spinney: Investigating NATO’s War Crimes Against Libya

Investigations Around Libya NATO’S Craven Coverup of Its Libyan Bombing by VIJAY PRASHAD, Counterpunch, March 15, 2012 Ten days into the uprising in Benghazi, Libya, the United Nations’ Human Rights Council established the International Commission of Inquiry on Libya. The purpose of the Commission was to “investigate all alleged violations of international human rights law in …

Michel Bauwens: Occupy as a Business Model

‘Occupy’ as a business model: The emerging open-source civilisation Aljazeera – Fri, 09 Mar 2012 21:24 GST Chiang Mai, Thailand – Last week I discussed the value crisis of contemporary capitalism: the broken feedback loop between the productive publics who create exponentially increasing use value, and those who capture this value through social media – …

Chuck Spinney: Is Israel on Cusp of Grand Strategic Set-Back as Universities Mobilize (Precedent South Africa)?

Grand strategy (described here) can be generalized as a game of interaction and isolation. Viewed from this perspective, Israel’s grand strategy has been to maintain or increase its freedom of action in implementing the expansive Zionist apartheid/colonialist agenda, to include gaining control of the region’s scarce water resources (see here), by — (a) preying on the collective …