David Isenberg: Steve Coll Reviews Three Books on Secret American Security State

Our Secret American Security State The New York Review of Books, February 9, 2012 Steve Coll Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin Little, Brown, 296 pp., $27.99 Intelligence and US Foreign Policy: Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform by Paul R. Pillar Columbia University …

Eagle: Israel / Jews Discuss Assassination of Obama

Orders from Tel Aviv: Murder Obama Alan Hart VeteransToday, 21 January 2012 Have Israel’s “inner circles” discussed assassinating President Obama? By Alan Hart One man who apparently thinks the answer is “Yes” is Andrew Adler, the owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times. Read detailed indictment and see the actual copy of the written …

Mini-Me: Kissinger to China on to Russia: Jeb Bush Will Be Next President, Out of Deadlocked Convention

Kissinger vows to China: “Jeb Bush Will Be Next President” Sorcha Faal WhatDoesThisMean.com, 18 January 2012 A shocking report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Prime Minister Putin on the just completed meeting between China’s Vice Premier Li Keqiang and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger states that the Chinese were told …

Mini-Me: Iran Is NOT a Nuclear Threat — Cover for Other Actions

Huh?   We, we, we’ve been lied to?  How can this be? Top US Nuclear Expert Tells Obama: There Is No Weapons Threat From Iran January 16, 2012 • 1:29AM The former director of U.S. programs for production of nuclear materials and components for nuclear weapons, Clinton Bastin, sent an open letter to President Obama the …

Theophillis Goodyear: Conceptual Road Blocks to Common Sense

Conceptual Road Blocks to Common Sense Two major economic problems have been: 1. Unemployment, 2. the Housing Bubble and resulting financial crisis. But there were two ways of reducing the damage of both crises that no one seemed to think of because of conceptual road blocks to that way of thinking. Some people have been …

Mini-Me: Global Financial War in Final Stages?

The ongoing global financial war is reaching its final stages Anti-Corruption, December 30, 2011 NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM BEING IMPLEMENTED Benjamin Fulford Dec. 28, 2011 Multiple reliable sources in three continents are all now reporting that a major breakthrough in the financial logjam is imminent. We can confirm from our own sources (including MI6 and Japanese military …