Rickard Falkvinge: Salute to US Border Guards — Travis McCrea No Longer Harrassed

Victory: US Border Patrol Reverses Harassment Thanks To You Posted: 14 Oct 2013 03:45 PM PDT Activism – Travis McCrea: Back in September, I posted a cute GIF laden post which outlined my harassment by the US Border Patrol, where they have gone as far as accused the Pirate Party of being a terrorist movement. A …

Gordon Duff: Are the Mormons in Charge of America’s Drug Empire? Is NSA Part of Their Power Base?

America’s Drug Empire Narcotics: Business of Western wars “Heroin trafficking is the lubrication that keeps the wheels of Western politics moving as intended.”   It was only a week ago that the US government released Eric Harroun, a former soldier who had been fighting with foreign backed al-Qaeda terrorists and the CIA against the Assad …

David Swanson: Mr. President – Hillary Clinton Is Calling You a Wuss! So Invade Syria, Enrich the Bankers, Get Impeached — There Is No Downside!

Syria: Pros and Cons Mr. President, if I were a professional con artist paid to give you the pros and cons on engaging in a war in Syria, here’s what they would be: As you know, former president Clinton, probably understood by many to also be speaking on behalf of his wife, has called you …

Owl: Irresponsible Government = Death by Vaccine –Thank You Bill Gates — Meanwhile $75 Billion a Year on Secret Intelligence Protects No One, Informs No One….

The Danger of Vaccines: More Proof Which vaccines contain human protein and DNA? Would you object to taking vaccines on moral, philosophical, scientific or religious grounds knowing you are consuming human material? The FDA itself admits in its “Vaccine Ingredients Calculator” that’s what you are receiving in a vaccine. “A recent CBS News Investigates article …