Richard Stallman: Free Software Newsletter Issue 31 June 2012

Free Software Supporter Issue 51, June 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS URGENT: Kill ACTA Stop software patents in Europe Two job openings on the FSF campaigns team FSF recommendations for free operating system distributions considering Secure Boot GNU GPLv3 turns 5 Dear Microsoft: is not a “gambling site” FSF’s new operations assistant Emacs Reference mugs …

Owl: Obama Will Free Traitor Pollard – The Only Question is How Big a Bribe It Will Take – Billions?

Why Obama Will Free Jonathan Pollard President accepts Israel infallibility doctrine  by Grant Smith, June 09, 2012 The US Department of Justice has released new files about convicted spy Jonathan Pollard’s bid for presidential clemency.  Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 after passing more than a million highly classified documents to Israel while …

Gordon Duff: Obama Assassination Legal Under Torah / Israeli Law? False Flag Nuclear Hit on Chicago? Bio-War on Poor? + Israel Atrocity and False Flag RECAP

Obama Assassination Said to be Legal Under Israeli Law Israeli Right to Kill President Supportable … by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today, 24 January 2012 Last week, an obscure publication in Atlanta issued what seemed to be a “suggestion” that the Israeli government “eliminate” President Obama for “reasons of state.”  The argument made by …

Defense and the Deficit–Busting the Defense Bubble, Ending Defense Entitlement

Last Saturday’s issue of Barron’s ran a cover story on the deficit and their own take on how to address it.  In contrast to the recent recommendations from President Obama and the House Republicans, defense was actually “on the table,” not “at” it.  In the absence of any adult thinking on the deficit since the …

Review (Guest): Liberty Defined–50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom by Ron Paul

Ron Paul Paul’s Greatest, Most Daring Book Yet A. Maheshwari April 19, 2011 Ron Paul continues the noble tradition of founders and thinkers such as Thomas Jefferson, Edmund Burke, James Burnham and Patrick Buchanan in social-political conditions of the 21st Century. The book is written in lucid, vital and free flowing style without any convoluted …

Review (Guest): The Unhealthy Truth–How Our Food Is Making Us Sick – And What We Can Do About It

Robin O’Brien and Rachel Kranz 5.0 out of 5 stars Parents; READ THIS BOOK! May 20, 2009 By Rui Jie (Wisconsin) – See all my reviews The food industry pissed off the wrong Mommy of Four. Sarah Palin might call Robyn O’Brien (author of The Unhealthy Truth) a pitbull with lipstick. She might be blond …