Worth a Look: Google Does Data Not Thinking

Finding the laws that govern us 11/17/2009 09:05:00 AM Starting today, we’re enabling people everywhere to find and read full text legal opinions from U.S. federal and state district, appellate and supreme courts using Google Scholar. You can find these opinions by searching for cases (like Planned Parenthood v. Casey), or by topics (like desegregation) …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 19 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: ‘His reputation’s been destroyed’ 10/16/09 AA: Imperial Globalization and Social Movements in Latin America 10/16/09 AA: Russia, Bolivia to launch gas joint venture 10/17/09 AA: Western Terror Recruits on the Rise 10/19/09 AR: In Pursuing Human Rights, Argentina Displays a Broken Justice System 10/18/09 CO: Colombia VP under new scrutiny for para …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 15 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Latin American strategy on drugs 09/10/09 AA: Militarizing Latin America 09/15/09 AR: Poor man’s cocaine ravages Argentine slums – Feature 09/13/09 AR: Argentine president intends to abolish crime of libel 09/12/09 BO: Bolivia president has satellite ambitions-UN agency 09/14/09 BO: US fears spread of Islam to … Bolivia 09/10/09 BR: Brazil Jet …