2004 Robert Steele: Reinventing Intelligence, From Truth, Power

REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE: FROM TRUTH, POWER Robert D. Steele, MA MPA NWC CIA(OPS) USMCR President, OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS, Inc. Editor’s Note: [Mr. Steele is a veteran of the clandestine service with three back-to-back tours in Latin America]. He received two awards while an operations officer. He has also served in offices responsible for programming satellite systems …

INTERVIEW: PBS Frontline with Robert Steele on Hackers

PBS FRONTLINE Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of Open Source Solutions, Inc. (OSS) he has twenty years of experience in national and defense intelligence, including clandestine, covert action and technical collection, and managing an offensive counterintelligence program. He was the senior civilian responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Center. He participated in the …