SPECIAL: Joe Burgett: Ivanka Trump Reportedly the One Behind President Trump’s Move to Bomb Syria

Ivanka Trump Reportedly the One Behind President Trump’s Move to Bomb Syria With the recent bombing from the United States on Syria over chemical weapons, many found it to be strange that President Donald Trump made such a move, but according to a recent report, it seems his daughter Ivanka was behind the idea. According …

SPECIAL: Mike Cernovich – McMaster Lying to Trump, Cooking Intelligence, Illegally Sharing with Petraeus, Trying to Manipulate Trump Toward 150,000 Ground Troops in Syria

H. R. McMaster Manipulating Intelligence Reports to Trump, Wants 150,000 Ground Soldiers in Syria Current National Security Adviser Herbert Raymond “H. R.” McMaster is manipulating intelligence reports given to President Donald Trump, Cernovich Media can now report. McMaster is plotting how to sell a massive ground war in Syria to President Trump with the help of …

Jan Oberg: Syria Atrocity — How Could They Be So Sure? French & CIA White Helmets are the Sources — Totally Compromised!

TFF Live: US bombing Syria – How could they be so sure? Phi Beta Iota: This latest chemical incident is in our view a false flag and our legitimate president is being lied to by our illegitimate secret intelligence community.  Our President, our White House, our Congress, and our secret intelligence community as well as …

SPECIAL: Donald Trump in Enemy Hands — Syria Causus Belli is Utter Crap

America Illegally Bombs Syria Under False Pretexts. Links for critical thinking. *“…the White Helmets are handling the corpses of people without sufficient safety gear, most particularly with the masks mostly used , as well as no gloves. Although this may seem insignificant, understanding the nature of sarin gas that the opposition claim was used, only …

Mongoose: Obama / US IC Spying on Trump Worse Than Previously Reported — New Details Suggest Multiple Impeachable Offenders in White House, Justice, NSA, CIA, FBI

Obama spying looks even worse than Trump claimed  Intel source bombshell: Months of surveillance for purely ‘political purposes’ Here is what they told Fox: 1) Surveillance targeting the Trump team during the Obama administration began months ago, even before the president had become the GOP nominee in July. 2) The spying on the Trump team had …

Hal Berghel: CIA & Cyber-Babble vs. Cyber-Attribution UPDATE 1

On the Problem of (Cyber) Attribution Is the recent report from the three-letter agencies on the alleged Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee evidence-based attribution or attributibabble? Attitudes and judgments have these biases baked into them. Failing to appreciate this simple fact allows all sundry forms of popular nonsense to remain unchallenged. Such is …