Seth Godin: Paradigm Shift toward Cooperation

Coordination Our economy is almost entirely based on a Darwinian competition–many products and services fighting for shelf space and market share and profits. It’s a wasteful process, because success is unpredictable and unevenly distributed. The internet has largely mirrored (and amplified) this competition. eBay, for example, not only pits sellers against one another, it also …

Builders of the Next Net

this is the second post in a series to highlight the people and projects coming together at this year’s Contact Conference, Oct 20, 2011 in NYCOne of the big areas we’ll be highlighting at Contact is ‘next net’ technologies – hardware and software tools that bring people internet access and the ability to connect, communicate …

Bio-War via Food: US Attacking Germany/Europe?

Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities Monday, June 06, 2011 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of EXTRACT: Although the actual process is more complicated than this, the upshot is that creating a strain of e.coli that’s resistant to eight classes of antibiotics requires repeated, sustained …

From Serbia with Love: The Revolution Business

Phi Beta Iota: This 27:37 film focuses on a Serbian organization that claims to have provided peaceful non-violent training to 36 countries, with five successes including Ukraine, Georgia, Tunesia, Egypt, and the Maldives.  The film strives to suggest that the US Government is funding this organization–more likely is that it is privately funded by a …

Post-Legal Amerika: Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Justice

Tom Engelhardt, co-founder of the American Empire Project, runs the Nation Institute’s His latest book, just published, is The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s (Haymarket Books). Watch a Timothy MacBain TomCast video of him discussing the American way of war by clicking here. Dumb Question of the Twenty-first Century: Is …