Robert Parry: Daniel Lazare on Syria, Incoherence Squared

On Syria, Incoherence Squared Exclusive: In the up-is-down world of Official Washington, everyone condemns Russia for aiding Syria’s internationally recognized government but stays mum on Saudi Arabia and other U.S. “allies” arming Al Qaeda and various terrorists fighting the Syrian government, an incoherence examined by Daniel Lazare.  Read more.

Chuck Spinney: ISIS Gains — Time for US to Support Assad?

Below is a very important report by Patrick Cockburn on the deteriorating situation in Syria with regard to (1) the terrible refugee crisis that may be on the verge of getting much worse, because ISIS forces are positioning themselves to cut the only major road connecting Damascus to government-held territory in north and northwest; and …

Berto Jongman: SMA to SOCCENT Military Cannot Defeat ISIL

During FY 2014, the SOCCENT Commander requested a short-term effort to understand the psychological, ideological, narrative, emotional, cultural, and inspirational (“intangible”) nature of ISIL. The effort produced both high-level results and detailed analyses of the factors contributing to each question. The central finding was this: While military action might degrade or defeat factors that make …

Gareth Porter: Framing Iran for Khobar Towers — Who Benefits? Saudi Arabia & Zionist Israel UPDATE 1

Who Bombed Khobar Towers? Anatomy of a Crooked Terrorism Investigation The official Khobar Towers investigation led by FBI Director Louis Freeh was precooked to arrive at the outcome that had been politically determined by the White House. The only evidence of Saudi Shi’a involvement in the bombing was from confessions obtained by torture by Saudi …

Berto Jongman: Ken Wilber on Integral Operating System — 5 Elements

What Is an Integral Operating System? AQAL is short for “all quadrants, all levels”—which itself is short for “all quadrants, all levels, all lines, all states, all types,” which are simply 5 of the most basic elements that need to be included in any truly integral or comprehensive approach.  Element #1: States and Stages of Consciousness; …