Rickard Falkvinge: Copyright as Scam — Not Protecting Artists (the Many) Only Profits (for the Few)

The Copyright Monopoly Is A Scam That Hurts Artists As Much As The Public Copyright Monopoly – Zacqary Adam Green: So you’re an artist, author, or creative person, and you’ve heard the arguments against the copyright monopoly. That it locks away knowledge from the public. That it hurts free speech. That it’s declaring a monopoly on …

Berto Jongman: Radioactive Mass Murder — Fukushima Impact Classified by Japanese Government, Nuclear Industry in Cover-Up Mode

Radioactive ‘mass murder’: nuclear industry keeps Fukushima impact in secret, worst to come Radiation is a rather tricky enemy. You cannot see it, you cannot smell it yet it’s harmful for our ecosystem, our markets and our bodies. The Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster is still making headlines but no one knows the full truth about …