Dept of Homeland Sec Dogs for “Bed Bugs?”

Bed Bug Infestation Is Scaring Millions Of Americans By  Anneli Rufus Outbreaks of bed bugs, soaring in the most unexpected places — like CNN’s headquarters — stoke some of our deepest fears.   Virtually eradicated nationwide sixty years ago thanks to superpowered pesticides such as DDT, bedbugs are back — largely because those chemicals are now …

Review: Green Gone Wrong–How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolution

Combines Holistic Thinking with Drill-Down Detail August 1, 2010 Heather Rogers This is a solid five in my view because the author goes beyond weaving a story about green gone wrong in three main areas (food, shelter, transportation), providing what almost all other books miss: the systems of systems “its all connected” and “what’s good …

Post-Katrina New Orleans Myths & Off-Shore Drilling

Drill rig The Katrina Myth; the Truth about a thoroughly unnatural disaster Related: Center for Public Integrity project on recent oil spill (May 11) The Center for Public Integrity partnered with ABC News to reveal the serious lack of government and industry preparedness for the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Exclusively-obtained government …

Journal: Haiti Update 21 February 2010

U.N. aid chief ‘disappointed’ with Haiti earthquake relief efforts UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations’ top humanitarian relief coordinator has scolded his lieutenants for failing to adequately manage the relief effort in Haiti, saying that an uneven response in the month after the devastating Jan. 12 earthquake has undercut confidence in the world body’s ability …