Worth a Look: Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET (Routing Around Secretive Governments)

Review This book is a comprehensive source for individuals who think that sufficient evidence merits acceptance of the premise that intelligent extraterrestrials are already interacting with humanity and who are already asking what an appropriate, democratic, political response might be (even if an unsupervised shadow government maintains negotiations, exchanges and de facto agreements not only …

Reflections on Insanity & Integrity + Reflections RECAP

I’ve been watching three areas the past few months: 01  Afghanistan and the non-existent exit strategy 02  NSA and the implosion of accountability in the US IC 03  Veteran suicides, active duty sexual assaults, and “the German disease” From where I sit, the senior leadership across the national security community and deep into every corner …

Review: The Thistle and the Drone: How America’s War on Terror Became a Global War on Tribal Islam

Akbar Ahmed 5.0 out of 5 stars 6 Star (My Top 10%) — The Book Susan Rice Should Read First, June 6, 2013 I received and read this book today, and while I am troubled by the author’s buying into the Bin Laden story and the official 9/11 cover-up, this is a six-star book that …

Marcus Aurelius: CRS Overview of UCP & COCOMs

Reading between the lines recommended. PDF (72 pages):  2013-01-03 CRS on UCP and COCOMS Phi Beta Iota:  Buried in the small print are severe shortcomings in intelligence support to strategy, policy, acquisition, and operations around the world; TRANSCOM thinking that Guam comprises a long-haul strategy; the Arctic uncovered and the Antarctic ignored; and at the …

SchwartzReport: US Elective Invasion & Occupation of Iraq: Gift to China (and Iran),. Biggest Blunder Ever, Biggest War Crime in Modern History

You and I, thanks to Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Daniel Pipes, and a number of other lesser neocons, and an almost fatally incurious President, spent over a TRILLION dollars of public money, and squandered the lives of tens of thousands of young Americans who were killed, wounded, or permanently maimed, in order to …

Allen Roland: Honoring Chalmers Johnson, Prophet of Truth + Empire Meta-RECAP

Prophet for a Dying Empire Every dying Empire has its truth telling prophet and America had its own with Chalmers Johnson. Johnson correctly compared the decay of the American empire, with its well over 600 overseas military bases, with the fall of the Roman Empire whereas the Senate becomes a wealthy corporate club and irrelevant …