Chuck Spinney: Is Israel on Cusp of Grand Strategic Set-Back as Universities Mobilize (Precedent South Africa)?

Grand strategy (described here) can be generalized as a game of interaction and isolation. Viewed from this perspective, Israel’s grand strategy has been to maintain or increase its freedom of action in implementing the expansive Zionist apartheid/colonialist agenda, to include gaining control of the region’s scarce water resources (see here), by — (a) preying on the collective …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Update

Syria-Saudi Arabia: During Friday’s meeting in Tunisia, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said he supported giving weapons and ammunition to groups fighting the Syrian regime. “I think it’s an excellent idea,” Prince Saud told reporters in Tunisia. Asked why, he replied: “Because they have to defend themselves.” Comment: Prince Saud’s remarks make clear that Saudi …

John Pilger: The War on Democracy Comes Home

Recommended by Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy John Pilger describes the reality hidden behind the cloak of anglo-american “democracy.” Phi Beta Iota:  This describes the crime against humanity, the atrocity, of cleansing the population of the islands now known as Diego Garcia.  If We the People do not hold our government accountable, then …

Eagle: Israel Funds MKO; MKO Funds US Politicians

‘Israel funds MKO; MKO funds US politicians’ Iranian PressTV, 11 February 2012 A senior political analyst says numerous prominent US political figures are receiving “substantial fees” from the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) that is in turn funded by Israel. “One of the most under-reported political stories of the last year is the devoted advocacy …