Gordon Duff: Poverty in America – BBC versus Reality

American Poverty, What the Brits Don’t Understand Panorama Special on American Poverty A Delusional Tale by  Gordon Duff,  Senior Editor Last week, the BBC news show, Panorama, supposedly told the story of America’s poor.  Moments of the story were right, they certainly picked one or two of those responsible for America’s economic collapse out, although …

Sharmine Narwani: Is CNN Pushing False Information to Public?

High-Tech Trickery in Homs? by Sharmine Narwani VeteransToday, 16 February 2012 What was surely meant to be a clever display of media-friendly visuals to illustrate Syrian regime violence in Homs, has instead raised more questions than answers. US State Department satellite images of the embattled city were posted on Facebook last Friday by US Ambassador …

Gordon Duff: Independent Report Contradicts Western Portrait of Syria

Independent Report Contradicts Western Portrait of Syria Arab League Report Shows that Syria Has Been Mischaracterized While the Western media act like the Syrian government is wantonly and indiscriminately killing its own people without provocation, an independent investigation has found a different reality on the ground. Specifically, over 160 monitors from the Arab League – …

Kevin Barrett: Larry Silverstein Chutzpah or Super Criminal?

Chutzpah, thy name is Silverstein! Larry wants more billions for blowing up the WTC If you thought Andrew “assassinate Obama for Israel” Adler was the last word in chutzpah…think again. Kevin Barrett truthjihad.blog, Saturday, February 4, 2012 Larry “blow up the World Trade Center for Israel” Silverstein is light-years beyond Adler. Larry Silverstein, you may …