Monthly CrisisWatch Report N°90, 1 February 2011

CrisisWatch N°90, 1 February 2011 Historic events in the Arab world gripped the world’s attention in January. In Tunisia weeks of escalating riots and demonstrations over dire economic conditions, corruption and government repression culminated in the ouster of President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali on 14 January. He was replaced by an interim government which announced …

Americans Admire Military Personnel While Being Unaware & Uninterested in What They Do “In Our Name”

Troops Die Because of Their Country, Not For It US admiration for its soldiers may be deep and widespread, but interest in what they are doing is shallow and fleeting by Gary Younge Published on Monday, January 31, 2011 by The Guardian Most of the stories told about Benjamin Moore, 23, at his funeral started …

Muslim Demographics–Dominant by 2050)

Muslim Demographics (7:31) 2.11 children per family required to maintain a culture. Muslims births outpacing Christians including Catholics Muslim immigration plus immigrant birthrate swamping West Phi Beta Iota: When governments lack a strategic analytic model and a holistic as well as honest planning, programming, and policy process, they fail to provide for culture and education …