Journal: Dana Priest Strikes Again…

On Deadline ( July 16, 2010 Intelligence World Bracing For ‘Wash. Post’ Series On CIA, Pentagon Contractors By Michael Winter The nation’s spy world is anxiously — certainly not eagerly — anticipating a Washington Post series looking at CIA and Pentagon contractors, according to insider reports. And the intelligence community has been preparing for an …

Review: Building Social Business–The New Kind of Capitalism that Serves Humanity’s Most Pressing Needs

4 in isolation, beyond 6 in context–a cornerstone book July 14, 2010 Muhammad Yunus and Karl Weber While I sympathize with those who feel that the book lacks reference to prior art, that social business has been around for a very long time, and that much of the book is somewhat similar to his first …

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Dave Warner

Gov 2.0 Summit 09: Dave Warner, “Rapid Fire: Location, Location, Location” Dave Warner  MindTel ARCH Synergist Dave Warner is a Medical Neuroscientist and the Director of Medical Intelligence at MindTel. His interests include interventional informatics, medical communications, distributed medical intelligence, biosensors, quantitative human performance, expressional interface systems and physio-informatics. He has been engaged in …

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Denies Access to WTC Collapse Data

FINDING REGARDING PUBLIC SAFETY INFORMATION Pursuant to Section 7(d) of the National Construction Safety Team Act, I hereby find that the disclosure of the information described below, received by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”), in connection with its investigation of the technical causes of the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers …

Journal: NYT to Robert Young Pelton–Sorry, Our Bad

Setting the record straight on ‘contractor’ spies The Washington Post Spy Talk    Jeff Stein Robert Young Pelton spent years investigating counterterrorism mercenaries, so the last thing he expected was to be branded one himself. Yet there he was on the front page of the New York Times on March 14, his color picture flanked by …