Journal: Government as Client, Three Levels of Smart

Radical management: what to do when your customer is the government One constraint on implementing radical management is that the customer is on a different path altogether. A frequent example is where your customer is a government bureaucracy. You are aspiring to delight your client, and your client is saying, “Don’t bother with me such …

Journal: Tom Atlee Comments on Great Transition

This excellent piece aligns with one of the most important evolutionary dynamics I’ve been studying with Michael Dowd, Connie Barlow, John Stewart, and others.  That dynamic, which has operated since the Big Bang, is this:  In evolution’s drive towards greater complexity — that is, towards greater wholes comprised of more densely interconnected parts — the …

Search: osint models

Although the search produces a number of hits, including Graphic: OSINT Competing Models, it misses Graphic: OSINT Two Views as well as some larger references because OSINT is out and M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making is new new meme in town, originating with the Swedish military and specifically Col Jan-Inge Svensson and …

Review (Guest): Cognitive Surplus–Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age

Recommended by Dr. Kent Myers.  Eleveated by Phi Beta Iota to 6 Stars and Beyond because this book is much more readable than Wealth of Networks and captures the essence for the general reader in a manner more likely to accelerate understanding and transformation. 5.0 out of 5 stars Recommended as THE book to understand …