Marcus Aurelius: Slouching Toward Persistent War

COMMENT:  Only a couple of things wrong with the scenario described below:  (1) Vickers works for a POTUS, Administration and Congress committed to emasculating the National security operation IOT underwrite the incompetent/unindustrious/etc.; and (2) not always possible to be optimally surgical. Los Angeles Times, February 19, 2012, Pg. 30 Slouching Toward Persistent War Even as our …

Sharmine Narwani: Is CNN Pushing False Information to Public?

High-Tech Trickery in Homs? by Sharmine Narwani VeteransToday, 16 February 2012 What was surely meant to be a clever display of media-friendly visuals to illustrate Syrian regime violence in Homs, has instead raised more questions than answers. US State Department satellite images of the embattled city were posted on Facebook last Friday by US Ambassador …

Ralph Peters: Testimony to Congress on Pakistan As a Failing Empire, Focus on Baluchistan

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations House Committee on Foreign Affairs Baluchistan Hearing, February 8, 2012 Testimony of Ralph Peters, military analyst and author “PAKISTAN AS A FAILING EMPIRE” 2012-02-09 Ralph Peters House Testimony, Baluchistan and Pakistan (8 pages, doc) Introductory remarks: This testimony arises from three premises. First, we cannot analyze global events through reassuring …

Venessa Miemis: Postmodern Report on Knowledge

Reflection: The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge musings on Jean-François Lyotard’s The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge . NOTE:  This is a book review, extraction from the work above, not personal reflections inspired by the book, and is offered as such–a gleaning from Lyotard’s 1979 work. . How do we define ‘knowledge’ in …

David Isenberg: Steve Coll Reviews Three Books on Secret American Security State

Our Secret American Security State The New York Review of Books, February 9, 2012 Steve Coll Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin Little, Brown, 296 pp., $27.99 Intelligence and US Foreign Policy: Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform by Paul R. Pillar Columbia University …

Eagle: Who, Exactly, Orchestrated Published Zionist Death Threat Against POTUS?

Killing Obama – United States vs. Andrew Adler Why is Neither the Jewish Org Community or the Media Checking Into Andrew Adler’s Background? Jim W. Dean, Editor VeteransToday, 22 January 2012 There is something fishy about this Andrew Adler ‘Kill Obama’ case. It came out of the blue…from a small below the radar Jewish publication, …