Reference: Indexing & Seaching Information Timeline

From Cave Paintings to the Internet A Chronological and Thematic Database on the History of Information and Media See source for sort options. Short Version: Circa 250 BCE Earliest Surviving Monolingual Dictionary 1938 H. G. Wells and the “World Brain” July 15, 1955 Eugene Garfield  Foundation of Citation Analysis 1973 Henry Small Discovery of Citation …

Journal: MILNET–Loss of Rule of Law, Aviation Insecurity

Judge Tosses NSA Spy Cases U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision was a major blow to the  two suits testing warrantless eavesdropping and executive branch  powers implemented following the 2001 terror attacks. The San  Francisco judge said the courts are not available to the public to  mount that challenge. “A citizen may not gain standing …

Journal: Haiti Topography & Population Density

The fault responsible for the Jan. 12 magnitude 7.0 earthquake that devastated Haiti is visible in images created using NASA radar topography data acquired in 2000. This perspective view of the pre-earthquake topography of the area, created using data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission that flew aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour in February 2000, clearly …

Journal: Focus on Amb David Johnson’s Crime Ideas

The Escalating Ties between Middle Eastern Terrorist Groups and Criminal Activity Featuring David Johnson    January 19, 2010 Ambassador David Johnson is the assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. In this position, Ambassador Johnson advises the president, secretary of state, related State Department bureaus, and other relevant government …

Journal: Haiti Maps, Disaster Capitalism, Photos

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Online Maps of Current Interest Haiti Maps (PCL Map Collection) includes city street maps The Destruction in Port-Au-Prince (New York Times) Haiti Earthquake – Maps (AlertNet) Haiti Earthquake – Maps (Army Geospatial Center) Haiti Earthquake – Maps (ReliefWeb) maps from many international organizations Haiti Earthquake – Maps (SERTIT Rapid Mapping Service) …