Zero Hedge: John Whithead on The March of the Two-Party Tyranny

It’s Time To Declare Your Independence From Tyranny, America Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of …

Review: The Conservative Sensibility by George F. Will – Handbook for an American Renaissance

7 Stars – Handbook for an American Renaissance – Life Transformative Robert David Steele This book is a masterwork, a capstone work for the author, for his time, for the Republic, and for We the People who have lost our Republic. Of the over 2,500 books I have reviewed, 10% of which have received a …

Ed Jewett: GoogleNews Bias Robert Steele: Lawsuit & Displacement of #GoogleGestapo with Four Nested Capabilities (Web 3.0)

SHORT URL: The CNN Search Engine: Google Search Results Overwhelmingly Favor Mainstream Media – Study According to data compiled by Northwestern University, Google search results overwhelmingly favor CNN compared to other news sources, followed by the New York Times and theWashington Post. Of the top 20 news sources promoted by Google in its “top stories,” the top results …

SPECIAL & Event: Dr. Randy Short – Black Pastors Denounce Congressional Black Caucus and Denounce “Equality Act” As Going Too Far – National Press Club 5 February High Noon

Scores of American religious leaders, pastors, pro-life/pro-family activists, professional counselors, and social scientists have named themselves the Gone Too Far Movement (GTFM) with the aim challenge the effort of the LGBTQ movement hijacking the Civil Rights laws that were made to correct historic injustices against Black Americans.  

Scott Bennett: America’s Political Twilight Zone — Desperate False Flags — Author Fears Assassination of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez UPDATE 1: Nancy Pelosi Hates Her…Risk Remains

AMERICA’S POLITICAL TWILIGHT ZONE Scott Bennett Former U.S. Army PSYOP Officer-State Counterterrorism Contractor The recent alleged incidents of the Khashoggi murder, the migrant-refugee invading “caravan” from Central America, the pipe-bomb mailings to leftist-democrat figures, and the Jewish synagogue shooting must be viewed as parts of a larger whole to discern both the direction and momentum …