Robert Steele: Washington Examiner on Trump’s Successes (Vastly Superior to What the White House Communications Team Can Produce)

ROBERT STEELE: My focus is on election reform so as to terminate the Deep State. To that end I believe that President Donald Trump is my best shot at getting this idea considered. Sadly the White House Communications Team sucks.  They are simply incapable of presenting the President and his accomplishments to the public in …

Wayne Jett: Post-Kavanaugh Blood-Letting

KAVANAUGH PICNIC ENDS Total Public Revulsion Lies Ahead Kavanaugh Wrap-Up Senate Democrats offered to give Trump Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court if Trump would back off de-classifying evidence of DOJ/FBI collusion with the Clinton presidential campaign. Trump declined the offered deal and got Kavanaugh confirmed by battling to the end. Now the declassified evidence is …

Caitlin Johnstone: Extremists from Left and Right Unite Against Populism

Extremists Unite to Diss Populism as Threat to Democracy If there’s one thing that brings a tear to my eye, it’s the inspiration I feel when watching Republican-aligned neoconservatives and Democrat-aligned neoconservatives find a way to bridge their almost nonexistent differences and come together to discuss the many, many, many, many, many, many many many …