Chuck Spinney: Madness in White House, K Street Thrives

Herewith is Stephen Walt’s excellent critique of US grand strategy in the Middle East since 1990.  My only comment is that he omits the pernicious influences of the arrogance that emerged from our misinterpretation of our “victory” in the Cold War and does not discuss the closely related emergence of Mad Madeline’s nutty theory of …

Snapshot: Venezuela

Washington’s war on Chavez By Stephen Lendman, Tehran Times, May 30, 2011 Since George W. Bush took office in January 2001, efforts to oust Hugo Chavez failed three times. . . . . . . Nonetheless, disruptive activities continue, including malicious propaganda, CIA subversion, funding opposition forces, sanctions, and militarizing the region, notably in Colombia …

Reflections on Tyranny versus Crowd Power

Sacrificial Crowds and Radical Power: A Meditation by Justin Rogers-Cooper, 19 May 2011 Advocate (CUNY Graduate Center) In early Jan­u­ary the BBC reported that Moham­mad Bouazazi, a Tunisian col­lege grad­u­ate who ille­gally sold fruits and veg­eta­bles in Sidi Bouzid, had died from his self-inflicted burns. He had set him­self on fire by dous­ing his body with petrol …

Arturo Valenzuela Quits–US Ignoring South

The head of the U.S. State Department’s Latin American and Caribbean will resign this summer. Arturo Valenzuela announced he will leave his post of Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs to return to Georgetown University, where he taught before his appointment by Barack Obama in 2009. The United States currently doesn’t have ambassadors …