Event: 4 Oct 2010, San Franciso CA, Crowd Conference

The World’s First Conference on the Future of Distributed Work researchers, CEOs, technologists, outsourcing experts, legal scholars, and artists to discuss the rapidly democratizing and flattening of the global labor market. The event includes a series of peer-reviewed presentation tracks, posters, technology demonstrations as well as invited keynote addresses from leaders in crowdsourcing. The Future …

Reference: Knowledge Management Elements

Knowledge Management Specialties By Stan Garfield (Twitter: @stangarfield) – Revised September 1, 2010 The field of knowledge management includes a wide variety of components and disciplines.  Here is a list of 25 specialties practiced by those in the field, followed by Tara Pangakis list of 50 KM components across people, processes, and technologies. Sharing, culture, …

Journal: Sharing is Contagious

“Sharing is Contagious” charts how we are increasingly growing up sharing files, photos, knowledge, and daily thoughts—and how these collaborative behaviors are moving into other areas of our lives. From bike-sharing to co-working to peer-to-peer rental, a dotted line is forming between “what’s mine,” “what’s yours,” and “what’s ours.” Technology and peer communities are enabling …

Contributing Editor: Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed (UK)

Dr. Nafeez Ahmed is a bestselling author and political analyst specialising in the study of mass violence in the context of international security issues.  His doctoral thesis examined genocides sponsored by the European powers from the 15th through the 19th centuries.  He is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development in London, …

Google: Post-Geographical, Post-National Super-State (Distorted Multi-Plex Eye)

Google’s Earth By WILLIAM GIBSON August 31, 2010 “I ACTUALLY think most people don’t want Google to answer their questions,” said the search giant’s chief executive, Eric Schmidt, in a recent and controversial interview. “They want Google to tell them what they should be doing next.” Do we really desire Google to tell us what …