Event: 3-5 Nov 2010, Barcelona Spain, Drumbeat Festival 2010: Learning, freedom and the web

The web is changing how we learn. It surrounds us with a massive and remixable tapestry of perspectives, facts and data. It gives us the freedom to learn whatever we want at our own speed and in our own way. It lets us become our own teachers. Fundamentally: the free and open nature of the …

Event Report: 30 Jun-1 July, NYC – ICSR Peace and Security Summit

Peace and Security Summit Event Report/Notes + Host: London-based International Centre for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence + Partners, Affiliates, Financial Support: National Defense Univ, Rena & Sami David, The Rockefeller Foundation, Public Safety Canada, Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation, Centre for Policy Research, New Dehli, Dept of War Studies , King’s College …

Review (Guest): Gusher of Lies–The Dangerous Delusions of Energy Independence

Author Robert Bryce 25 of 26 people found the following review helpful: Energy Independence, Alchemy and Perpetual Motion, September 23, 2008 By  Scrutinizing Consumer (Los Angeles, CA) – See all my reviews    “A Gusher of Lies” is a must-read for those wanting the cold, hard facts on the current state and future prospects of …

Review: Of Centuars and Doves–Guatemala’s Peace Process

Absolutely a Core Work for the Region and the UN Role in Enabling Peace–Future Oriented as Well April 3, 2010 Susanne Jonas I am stunned not to find numerous reviews of this excellent work, a fleshing out of the author’s highly-regarded (within the United Nations and global peace-process circles) “The Mined Road to Peace in …

Banksterism: Total Wall Street Bailout Cost, Financial Crisis Tracker

The Wall Street Bailout Cost table is produced and updated monthly by the Real Economy Project of the Center for Media and Democracy, which publishes SourceWatch. The total is reflected on the Financial Crisis Tracker widget (to the left). This calculation was peer-reviewed by economists at the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, …

Journal: President Lacks Intelligence on Nuclear Option–Actually, He Lacks Intelligence (Decision-Support) on EVERYTHING

Four Nuclear Myths: A Commentary on Stewart Brand’s Whole Earth Discipline and on Similar Writings AUTHOR: Lovins, Amory DOCUMENT ID: 2009-09 YEAR: 2009 DOCUMENT TYPE: Journal or Magazine Article PUBLISHER: RMI Public discussions of nuclear power, and a surprising number of articles in peer-reviewed journals, are increasingly based on four notions unfounded in fact or …