Steven Aftergood: CRS on Article V Constitutional Convention

Someone in Congress evidently wants an update. The Article V Convention to Propose Constitutional Amendments: Current Developments, March 29, 2016 After more than 20 years of comparative inaction,the past decade has seen a resurgence of interest in and support for the Article V Convention alternative.Advocacy groups across a broad range of the political spectrum are …

Steven Aftergood: US Aid to Israel $124.3 Billion — to Palestine $5 Billion

US Foreign Aid to Israel (Congressional Research Service, 10 June 2015) Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion(current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. US Foreign Aid to the Palestinians (Congressional Research Service, 18 March 2016) Since the …

Steve Aftergood: CRS on Too Many Flag Officers

TOO MANY SENIOR MILITARY OFFICERS? A new report from the Congressional Research Service does not answer that question, but it explains why the question could arise, and provides relevant background for addressing it. General and Flag Officers in the U.S. Armed Forces: Background and Considerations for Congress, February 18, 2016

Steve Aftergood: CRS on the “Gig” Economy

What Does the Gig Economy Mean for Workers? “The gig economy is the collection of markets that match providers to consumers on a gig (or job) basis in support of on-demand commerce.  . . .   Recent trends in on-demand commerce suggest that gig workers may represent a growing segment of the U.S. labor market.