Mongoose: The Scofield Bible — The Joint UK-Israel Intelligence Operation That Turned 67 Million US Evangelical Christians Into Idiots Led by Deviants

The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians By Maidhc Ó Cathail Although the Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is not the traditional Protestant bible but Cyrus I. Scofield’s annotated commentary that is problematic. More than any other factor, it is Scofield’s notes that …

Review: Not in His Image – Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief by John Lamb Lash

6 Star Healing Soul-Opening Book I am rushing this partial review into publication to honor Young Pharaoh as well as  David Ray Griffin and make the point that the main religions in the USA today are corrupt to the bone, patriarchial to the point of relegating women to whoredom, playing the victim card, and totally …

Robert Steele: Historian Calls 2020 for Biden — NOT SO FAST!

Biden will beat Trump, says historian who predicted every presidential race since 1984 I think he is wrong. Most, not all, have figured out that the fake pandemic, like the Russian witchhunt and the impeachment, were attacks on the President and attacks on America. Most see the contrived social unrest based on lies and using …

#UNRIG: Election Reform Act of 2020: A Citizen’s Guide to Achieving Democracy with Integrity (Trump Revolution Book 54)

#1 New Release in Urban, State & Local Government Law 70% of all eligible voters are disenfranchised — shut off from the possibility of being elected to any federal or state office, or having their vote count. The two-party tyranny — one bird, two wings, same crap — is a front for the Deep State. …

Robert Steele: Jared Kushner is Destroying Donald Trump

Trump Is Losing the White Vote with Jared Kushner’s Agenda ROBERT STEELE: Read the whole excellent article loaded with valuable links. Man-child Jared Kushner, a third-rate intellect with zero ethics, and an agent of multiple foreign powers to boot, is destroying the President’s prospects for a second term. There are exactly four things the President …

Robert Steele: Legitimate Grievances, Scattered Protests — From Sedition to Reform?

The Main Street Manifesto Nouriel Roubini A vast underclass of increasingly indebted, socially immobile Americans – African-Americans, Latinos, and, increasingly, whites – is revolting against a system that has failed it. This phenomenon is not limited to the US, of course. In 2019 alone, massive demonstrations rocked Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, France, Hong Kong, India, Iran, …