Review: The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival — The Brutal Truth About Violence, Death, and Mayhem You Must Know to Survive

6 Star Eye Opener, Deeply Authentic This is a deeply authentic as well as troubling book, particularly in light of the ease with which Deep State / George Soros elements turned Seattle, Portland, and New York City into what the President has quite properly called “anarchist jurisdictions.” From the description: Selco is a household name …

Constitutional Sheriffs: Vet Your Sheriff (Free)

In February, 2016 CSPOA Leadership developed #VETYOURSHERIFF as a non-partisan initiative focused solely on the Constitution. The Sheriff is the CLEO, or CHIEF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, of his/her county. As an elected official he/she is the ultimate protector of the people providing a check and balance locally, for any state or federal agency that may …

Jack Mullen: Where the Constitution Meets the People

Where the Constitution Meets the People It is in the Counties of the States of America where the Constitution meets the people. County governments STILL retain Constitutional powers that can restore liberty and rights to the people. It is at the County level where Americans can take back their nation. County Sheriffs have Constitutional jurisdiction …