Steven Aftergood: CRS: Space Forces Must Be Approved and Funded by Congress PBI: Existing Secret Space Forces are Unconstitutional

The Congressional Research Service says that, as a constitutional matter, it will be up to Congress to determine whether and how to reorganize the management of US national security assets in space, and whether to establish a new “space force,” as the Trump Administration has proposed. “The constitutional framework appears to contemplate that the role …

Martin Armstrong: Judge Brett Kavanaugh — Bushie, Anti-Citizen, Anti-Constitution

The Disturbing Reasoning of Judge Brett Kavanaugh QUESTION: What is your opinion of Trump’s Supreme Court pick? MG ANSWER: The main decision that I believe allows us to pierce the veil of judicial reasoning is Susan SEVEN-SKY v. Eric H. HOLDER, 661 F.3d 1 (2011). In this decision, Judge Brett Kavanaugh did not join Silberman’s opinion. Instead, he wrote a sixty-five-page …

#GoogleGestapo: Judge Upholds Constitution Against Twitter Attack on Free Speech

The roll-back against #GoogleGestapo begins… Lawsuit over white nationalist’s Twitter ban clears hurdle Taylor claims Twitter permanently suspended accounts belonging to him and hundreds of other far-right users in December based solely on their political views and affiliations. The judge described Taylor’s case as a “classic public interest lawsuit” and said it “goes to the …

Martin Armstrong: All Digital Agreements Waiving Privacy are Unconstitutional

The Right to Privacy Means Nothing ANSWER: Our entire loss of privacy rights should be a major class action lawsuit. To sign up for anything, they have tremendous detailed legal agreements where effectively you wave all your rights to privacy. It is a situation where UNLESS you wave your rights, you cannot participate in the digital world. My personal …

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Modes of Constitutional Interpretation

MODES OF CONSTITUTIONAL INTERPRETATION The US Constitution leaves many basic questions of constitutional law unanswered, whether because they could not be anticipated or because the text is broadly worded or ambiguous. Consequently, “Interpretation is necessary to determine the meaning of ambiguous provisions of the Constitution or to answer fundamental questions left unaddressed by the drafters,” …

Amazon Kindle: Privatizing Covert Operations – The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional, Unethical Idea of the 21st Century (Trump Revolution Book 20)

If Mike Pompeo wants to commit virtual suicide and end his prospects of being an effective Secretary of State, three recent articles document his death wish – championship of a rogue intelligence network proposed by Erik Prince and beloved by Oliver North – both arguably ripe for indictment for crimes against humanity. If this asinine, …