William Benson: Assertion That 16th & 17th Amendments to the Constitution Were Not Ratified by Enough States UPDATE 1 Adds 16th Amendment Information

An Alert Reader has pointed to investigative work by William Benson to the effect that neither the 16th (income tax) or 17th (Senators no longer appointed by sovereign states) Amendments were ever properly ratified and could therefore be overturned if this assertion is verified. We have no direct knowledge but given the prevalence of lies …

Rick Aiello: The Case AGAINST a Constitutional Convention

To Robert David Steele: I applaud your open source initiatives and have enjoyed your interviews, but I have seen two recent emails from your Public Intelligence Blog expressing your support for a Convention of States. While your DOUBLE-DOWN, MODIFY & EXPAND, and REVERSE ideas for changing existing Amendments certainly make sense, a Convention of States, …

Robert Steele: 15 Constitutional Amendments — Protect, Modify, Cancel — UPDATE 4

Short URL: https://tinyurl.com/PBI-Constitution We need a Convention of States to restore the original construct in which the federal government is a service of common concern to the SOVEREIGN states, and individual sovereignty is restored. All three branches of the federal government have been chipping away at the Constitution, to include the right to a trial …

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Supreme Court Overruling Constitutional Precedents

OVERRULING CONSTITUTIONAL PRECEDENTS, & MORE FROM CRS A new report from the Congressional Research Service examines how and why the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn one of its own rulings interpreting the Constitution. There are at least 141 cases where such rulings have in fact been overturned, including three in the Court’s latest term, and …

Mongoose: Unconstitutional Vaccine Court Exposed, Decisive Shift in Medical Views (Vaccines DO Cause Autism) — An Opportunity for President Donald Trump to Act

Extraordinary article — most detailed — that makes it clear that the “Vaccine Court” is a corrupt enterprise that is there to lie to the public and defend the criminal conspiracy formed by the CDC “leadership,” traitors all, and the pharmaceutical companies.  This article is EPIC. The Clear Legal Basis that Vaccines Cause Autism “I …

Richard Dolan: 9/11, MKULTRA, Joe Biden, End of the Constitution

Alert Reader flags the video below and provides the summary that is below the fold.  New information: Joe Biden, Zionist agent of influence? Key author of the Patriot Act going back to 1985 when Zionists started planning 9/11 in earnest. If Cheney-Biden are a team, then treason really is non-partisan as we have stated in …

Robert Steele: 9/11 Truth: To Be, or Not To Be, a Constitutional Democracy

9/11 Truth: To Be, or Not To Be, a Constitutional Democracy Remarks to 9/11 Justice For All, Busboys & Poets, 11 September 2018, 9 pm (est) “The truth at any cost lowers all others costs.”  As Charles Lewis has so eloquently and definitively established, 9/11 lies have destroyed America’s moral integrity. In just fifteen minutes …