Jeffrey Jaxen: Open Source 3D Printer Relevant to Food, Water, Nutrition, and Medicine

……is a physical device that can give “people everywhere the ability to be more self-sustaining and self-reliant in four key areas: food, water, nutrition and medicine.” Health Ranger to release open source 3D printer files for upcoming invention with early 2015 release date EXTRACT What’s so extraordinary about this invention is that it requires no …

JZ Liszkiewicz: 2 Reports – We Are NOT Doomed…Except for the Food Industry

Two Reports Predicting the Future of Humanity Agree We’re Not Totally Doomed Two recent reports on the future of human civilization agree on one important point: We’re not totally screwed. “People around the world are becoming healthier, wealthier, better educated, more peaceful, and increasingly connected, and they are living longer,” concluded the Millennium Project’s 2013-2014 …

Berto Jongman: Global Groundwater Collapse = Global Food Collapse

Global Groundwater Supply Crisis A disturbing article coming from Natural News regarding the global groundwater supply.  This comes just one week after we posted about the coming global crisis in the works as a result of the drought – (Click here to read first).  The article states:  Shocking findings reported by NASA show that the …

SchwartzReport: Food Issues on the Ballot — Public Loses Every Time!

This was an election that had a significantly large number of food and food safety issues on various state ballots. The election was rarely discussed from this perspective so I thought it might be useful to consider what just happened. From GMOs to Soda Taxes, Here’s What the Election Means for Your Fridge

Jean Lievens: 8 ways Big Data helps improve global water and food security

8 ways Big Data helps improve global water and food security Experts from around the world gathered in Seattle this week at the Water for Food Global Conference to discuss ways to harness this data revolution in agriculture. Hosted by the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska in association …