Mongoose: Fiona Hill Worked for George Soros — Is She a Genetic Man?

No direct knowledge. The plot thickens.  Has Fiona Hill ever been properly investigated?  Was her background investigation compromised by internal traitors? Tip of the hat to American Intelligence Media for this overview with documentation. Fiona Hill is a fake Russia expert from Harvard who was planted to destabilize Russia-American relations for the Pilgrims Society She …

American Greatness: The Strange Case of ‘White Supremacy’

The Strange Case of ‘White Supremacy’ What are we to make of racially themed congressional caucuses, safe spaces, segregated dorms and theme houses, separate graduate ceremonies, and national lobbying groups such as the former National Council of La Raza (“the Race”)? Are they now routine tools of white supremacy? Are they just appropriations of prior …

Zero Hedge: Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society And Family Life

Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society And Family Life Via, The urtext of this topic is Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by political scientist Robert D. Putnam. He uses the decline in league bowling as a sort of shorthand for the overall decline in American participation in social life. …

Who’s Who in Cultural Intelligence: Dr. Randy Short

Min. Dr. Randy Lancaster-Short, M.Div. is a Washington, D.C. native and a scholar, historian, human rights defender, social commentator, anti-eugenics advocate, free-lance journalist, writer, and social action/social justice missionary affiliated with the African Orthodox Church. An informed and excellent researcher and speaker, Short is regularly featured on FM/AM/blog radio programs nationally. Since 2011, Short has …