Egypt & Jordan: Muslim & Christian Side by Side

EGYPT: Heard on Fox (Rivera Show) at 0103 Eastern Time: Mohammed Fahmi: “Muslim and Christian are fighting side by side.” JORDAN: 2:21 p.m. Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood leader speaks out The Muslim Brotherhood has not had as large a role in the protests as some expected them to. Reporter Sharif Kouddous reported on Twitter earlier Saturday: …

Journal: Egypt Elections–Muslim Brotherhood Loses, Internet Wins

Philip N. Howard Professor and Director of Project on Information Technology and Political Islam Posted: December 3, 2010 10:57 AM EXTRACT: But Mubarak’s real enemy is no longer the Muslim Brotherhood. It is a complex, fractured umbrella group, and the practice of faith and opposition to Mubarak may not be enough to hold it together …

Worth a Look: Hugely Inflamatory Slam on US Muslim Tax-Deductible Fund-Raising for Hamas and Hezbollah

Ladies and Gentlemen: 1.  Invite your attention the video at the YouTube link in the message below. 2.  Just to be clear: a.  I cannot tell you precisely who made the video. b.  I cannot tell definitively whether or not it is true in whole or in part.. c.  To me, it looks like it ((COULD)) be a …

Journal: Australian Muslim cleric calls for beheading of Dutch politician

Muslim cleric calls for beheading of Dutch politician (Reuters) – A well-known Australian Muslim cleric has called for the beheading of Dutch anti-Islamic politician Geert Wilders, a newspaper said on Friday. Wilders told Reuters it was “really terrible news” and that he was taking it seriously. “I will ask for clarification from the Dutch minister …

Worth a Look: From The Netherlands, Recommended…on Afghanistan, Muslim Brotherhood, Conspiracy Theories (and Responses)

Seeking Solutions for Afghanistan: A Report on the Abu Dhabi Process DOI: 31 August 2010 NEW BOOK: Some analysts and policy makers see these organizations as positive forces encouraging integration. Others cast them as modern-day Trojan horses, feigning moderation while radicalizing Western Muslims.   Lorenzo Vidino brokers a third, more informed view.   DOI:  1 September 2010 …

Journal: Division with US Army over Muslim Dissidents–LtGen Jerry Boykin, USA (Ret) Sounds Off

COMMENTS: 1.  Before anybody asks — yes, I know from which network the video clip apparently originated and yes, I am well aware of LTG Boykin’s views (or biases, depending on your perspective). 2.  “I have absolutely no basis to dispute LTG Boykin’s assertions.”  OTOH, I know two separate people involved in studying the Hassan …