Review: No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence

Hamilton Bean 5.0 out of 5 stars Spectacular Integrative and Pioneering Work, July 27, 2011 This is a pioneering work that not only explains the true worth of open source intelligence, but also illuminates the institutional bias against it and the pathologies of a culture of secrecy. The use of primary data from interviews makes …

Tom Atlee: New Developments in Co-Intelligence Work

Dear friends, This last six months most of the Co-Intelligence Institute’s best work has been in behind-the-scenes exploratory conversations, research and development.  We expect the results of all that to become increasingly evident soon. Here’s a sky-view of what we’ve been up to.  I invite you to consider what impact this kind of work has …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Cynthia Kurtz

Cynthia Kurtz is an independent researcher, writer and software designer who consults in the field of organizational and community narrative for decision support, conflict resolution and collective sensemaking. Her free online book at helps people use narrative techniques to benefit their own communities and organizations. She is building open source software at to …

Journal: US Secret Intelligence Tasking US Diplomats

Insofar as I know, the DoD military Services remain under broad and explicit proscription from accessing the Wikileaks site or the Wikileaks releases in any form.  Some of the Service directives are very intimidating, threatening court martials for military members, loss of security clearances, etc., etc.  From the broadcast media, it appears that major lockdowns …

Event: 7-12 Nov Orlando FL Emerging Technologies In Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing

The buzz continues—agile, cloud computing, text analytics, virtualization, open source, cool BI, Web 2.0, social media, mobile BI. But what do these terms really mean for business intelligence and data warehousing? It’s been difficult enough to implement effective and valuable BI/DW solutions with existing technologies. Will these emerging technologies make your job easier or harder? …