Review: Betrayal: How Black Intellectuals Have Abandoned the Ideals of the Civil Rights Era

My Head Hurts–Time for a Black Caucus on Black Power October 7, 2009 Houston A. Baker My head hurts. After enjoying and reviewing Waiting for Lightning to Strike: The Fundamentals of Black Politics yesterday evening, I was not anticipating the firestorm of erudite adjective-laden brow-beating that this author delivers. Minus one star for beating several …

2001 Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map

Researcher A.J. Jongman, Interdisciplinary Research Programme (PIOOM), Leiden University, The Netherlands OSS ’01: For a brilliant combination of research, insight, and data visualization, in partnership with those associated with the Interdisciplinary Research Programme (PIOOM), resulting in the creation of the World Conflict & Human Rights Map 2000 that portrays so effectively the global conditions of …

Constitution Above All: CSPOA Champions Sheriff Clinton Smith’s Stand Against State’s Attempt To Remove Him From Office

Sheriff Clinton (CJ) Smith from Dundy County, NE joins Sheriff Mack and Jack Mullen to discuss the latest update on what is happening with his situation and why the Posse needs to come together to support Sheriff Smith so he can get an attorney. Sheriff Smith is also asking for support letters from those who …