Supreme Court Says Warrants, States’ Rights Unnecessary

Supreme Court Says Warrants, States’ Rights Unnecessary Thomas R. Eddlem, 18 May 2011 NewAmerican States cannot grant their citizens wider freedoms from search and seizure than federal courts do, and police may manipulate events that allow them to avoid getting Fourth Amendment search warrants from judges for home searches, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled May …

UK Guardian on Bolivia–and Rights for Nature

Bolivia enshrines natural world’s rights with equal status for Mother Earth 10 April 2011: John Vidal:  Bolivia is set to pass the world’s first laws granting all nature equal rights to humans. The Law of Mother Earth, now agreed by politicians and grassroots social groups, redefines the country’s rich mineral deposits as “blessings” and is …

Building Democracy Amongst Corporate Personhood Rights, Powers, and Legal Fictions

Womens International League for Peace and Freedom is pushing to turn back the Supreme Court ruling that gives corporations personhood and the freedom to spend unlimited money in political ads under freedom of speech. See Timeline of Personhood Rights and Powers from 1772-1996 (pdf) Related: + Video: Transpartisan dialog on corporate power (Jan 21, 2011 …

Search (2): jongman world conflict map 1997 – jongman world conflict and human rights

Berto Jongman is one of the top Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) pioneers.   Word Press search has its good and bad features.  Good is that it updates instantly.  Bad is that it prefers simple searches e.g. <Jongman map> without the brackets.  Neutral is the fact that for older references, you will have to wade through every …