Mongoose: British Lawyers Go On Strike — British Justice System Has Collapsed

Barristers go on strike in protest at ‘collapsing’ criminal justice system  “The effects, in every area, are becoming ever clearer: courts and prisons in a deplorable state of repair, leading to unacceptable conditions, litigants struggling to deal with their own cases without legal help in the most trying of circumstances, overloaded courts and judges, increasing …

Henry Siegman: Zionism Strike 10 — The Implications of President Trump’s Jerusalem Ploy

The Implications of President Trump’s Jerusalem Ploy No country has a right to grab territory outside its own borders, whether for its capital or a parking lot. So the issue is not the status of Jerusalem as a capital, but whether Jerusalem is within Israel’s borders. It is not. That is so because both the …

Haaretz: Time for Jews to Boycott Israel (Zionist Strike 7)

BDS Blacklist: Sadly, Now Might Be the Time for Jews to Boycott Israel The Israeli government has issued a list of 20 activist organizations from around the world whose leaders and active members are to be denied entry. Coming on the heels of last spring’s law announcing an entry ban on boycott, divestment and sanction …

Amazon Kindle: Zionism in America – Seven Strikes & Counting…. (Trump Revolution Book 21)

Zionists rule in the USA is being challenged openly now. There is a fury sweeping across the USA against the Zionists, neutralizing what was once a formidable lobbying force – so formidable it could reasonably be described as an “occupation Army” camped in Washington DC and controlling the banks of New York City as well …