Wikileaks Round II (Iraq) Rolling Update 20101105

NOTICE: Within DoD, at least all elements of the Army as well as the Marine Corps Reserve have been given direct, unqualified, written orders not to access the Wikileaks site or read the Wikileaks document via any Government **OR** non-Government computer.  This Rolling Update complies with the DoD guidance. Friday 5 November 2010 WikiLeaks Incidents May …

Journal: WikiLeaks Losing Funding Channel, Plot Thickens

WikiLeaks says funding has been blocked after government blacklisting Founder Julian Assange hits out at decision by Moneybookers, which collects the whistleblowing website’s donations David Leigh and Rob Evans, Thursday 14 October 2010 17.55 BST The whistleblowing group WikiLeaks claims that it has had its funding blocked and that it is the victim of …

Journal: Huffington Post Hot on Trail of Spy Money Allegedly Paid to Wikileaks

29 September 2010 The Huffington Post Spying Game Cryptome was interviewed by telephone today by Keith Thomson, a reporter for The Huffington Post. After a bit of palaver Keith said a confidential source claimed a Chinese spy agency had given Wikileaks $20 million. What did Cryptome think about that? We said that kind of money …

Journal: US Intelligence versus WikiLeaks

U.S. Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks WikiLeaks release: March 15, 2010 Phi Beta Iota: Click on the title to read their description of the SECRET/NOFORN document entitled – An Online Reference to Foreign Intelligence Services, Insurgents, Or Terrorist Groups? dated 18 March 2008, evidently out of the U.S. Army.   The document is no longer …

Journal: DoD, WikiLeaks, JCS, Security Ad Naseum…

Defense News August 23, 2010 Experts: DoD Could Have Prevented WikiLeaks Leak By William Matthews While senior Pentagon officials resort to bluster in hopes of preventing the WikiLeaks website from posting any more secret Afghan war documents on the Internet, security experts say there is a lot the U.S. military could have done to prevent …

Journal: Wikileaks, the US, the UN, & The Rule of Law

WikiLeaks to shift base to friendly Sweden STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Aug. 15 (UPI) — The founder of WikiLeaks says he will seek a publishing license for his controversial operation in Sweden where whistleblower protections are strong. Phi Beta Iota: The Nordic nations have consistently been “smarter” and more ethical than the US and all others.  Wikileaks …