Berto Jongman: Pedophilia Update – UK Elites Used Care Home Network Like an Amazon Order System for Children to Abuse

UK Establishment Used Care Home Network Like an Amazon Order System for Children to Abuse Scriptonite Daily / 1 day ago For decades, vulnerable children from care homes and other institutions were booked to order by rich and powerful men, for abuse, rape and even murder.  This is the allegation put forward in ‘Nightmares at …

Berto Jongman: Child abuse ‘may well have been’ covered up – Norman Tebbit

Child abuse ‘may well have been’ covered up – Norman Tebbit A former cabinet minister has said there “may well have been” a political cover-up of child sex abuse in the 1980s. Lord Tebbit told the Andrew Marr Show the culture at the time was to protect “the establishment” rather than delving “too far” into …

Berto Jongman: MI5 Central to Protection of Britain’s Greatest Known Pedophile – 40 Years of Government Corruption on Top of Extensive Child Abuse

Monstrous cover-up: How the Liberal party, police and MI5 concealed MP Cyril Smith’s industrial-scale child abuse For four decades, 29st politician was free to prey on vulnerable children as young as eight Police received at least 144 complaints from victims yet authorities blocked any prosecution New book serialised in Daily Mail details how Smith – …

Owl: Is Nevada the New Waco or Bunker Hill? 5,000 Militia Swarm to Confront Federal “Gestapo” Abuse of 67 Year Old Land Grazer – Are Corporate Interests Behind This?

Bunkerville, Nevada: the 21rst Century Lexington, MA? The Feds may have bit off more than they can chew if the number of militia members – 5,000, outnumbering by a wide margin the number of federal law enforcers – in article and video is correct. This might be the place where the Second American Revolution against …

Rickard Falkvinge: US Corporations Lie, Abuse, and Ignore European Privacy Data Regulations

US Corporate “Safe Harbor” For European Private Data Lied About, Abused, Ignored; Europarl Calls For Immediate Scrapping Posted: 09 Oct 2013 01:57 AM PDT Privacy – Henrik Alexandersson:  US corporations routinely ignore and abuse the strict privacy rules of European private citizen data, which they have accessed under the “safe harbor” agreement of the European …

SchwartzReport: Evangelical Sex Abuse Record ‘Worse’ Than Catholic, Says Billy Graham’s Grandson Box Tchividijian

It is the nature of fundamentalist religion, of whatever stripe, to be authoritarian, sexually repressive, and patriarchal. But beneath that there is also the lingering stench of sex abuse — human nature will not be denied, and when healthy sexual expression is not supported its dark side pedophilia emerges. I have done many pieces on …

Steve Aftergood: Court Finds CIA in Contempt on FOIA Abuse

COURT CURBS CIA USE OF A FOIA EXEMPTION The Central Intelligence Agency tried to make “inappropriate” use of an exemption from the Freedom of Information Act to withhold information that was not subject to the exemption, a federal court ruled last month. In a significant interpretation of the Central Intelligence Agency Act, Judge Beryl A. …