Stephen E. Arnold: Google Copyright Abusive Algrorithm — More #GoogleGestapo Madness

Google: Stomping Out Bad Music Types Google has a lot of content to lord over. And with that responsibility comes the need to police that content when it is misused. Perhaps nowhere does this happen more often than YouTube. While they have clever tools for finding rule breakers, sometimes it fails. We learned more from …

Stephen E. Arnold: China and Russia Create Post-Google Internet

Silicon Valley: Off Ramp Closed for Repairs? We learned that Alibaba (a Chinese outfit) has entered into a deal with Russian firms for online payments. Reuters reported the tie up in “Alibaba’s JV in Russia to Use Russia’s Payment System.” The system is used in Russia. TechCrunch points out in “Alibaba Goes Big on Russia …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Losing to Amazon on Cross-Correlation

Google: Online to Brick and Mortar Cross Correlation Our research suggests that Amazon may have a slight edge in the cross correlation of user data. Google, whether pulling a me too or simply going its own way, has decided to link online and brick and mortar data. The effort was revealed in “Google and MasterCard …

Robert Steele: An Interview with Stephen E. Arnold on Google and Google Search — How the Digital Mummy Might Manipulate Search (Never Mind #GoogleGestapo Censorship)

I have known Stephen E. Arnold since the early 1990’s when he quickly became the only speaker to be demanded by my international audience every year. I have relied on him over the years for truthful open source intelligence and deep insights not available from other commercial sources. Although he is now retired, I believe …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Advertising — Finally Burying Google?

Amazon Wake Up Call Arrives Late I read “Jeff Bezos and Amazon Have the Adveretising Industry Looking over Its Shoulder.” In my mind, the dusty alarm clock has emitted a “ringy dingy.” But some appear to have overslept.   . . .   CNBC reports: Amazon has what many in the advertising industry regard as the most …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo – Will Palantir Follow Cambridge Analytica Over the Facebook Cliff?

Phrase of the Day: Collateral Damage The Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data scandal has rightly been scrutinized by everyone from individual users to entire government bodies. As could be expected when the players are this large, what people are finding links together unlikely suspects and victims in this data breach. One such surprise popped up this week …

Stephen E. Arnold: If Facebook is a Tyranny, Governments are Inept at Regulating It… #GoogleGestapo

Regulating Facebook and Unexpected Consequences After Mark Zuckerberg’s mostly frothy and somewhat entertaining testimonies for Congress and the Senate, what are we left with? Some tea leaves are saying that Facebook will likely be permitted to self regulate. What happens if governments step in. One commentator worries not just for our privacy, but for society …