Rashid Khalid, Censored by Zionist-Controlled Wall Street Journal, on the Erasure of 100 Years of Palestinian History by Zionist Israel

Erasure of Palestinians from Trump’s Middle East ‘Peace Plan” has a hundred year history Whatever the merits of Zionism, Yusuf Diya wrote, the “brutal force of circumstances had to be taken into account.” Palestine “is inhabited by others.” It had an Indigenous population that would never accept being superseded, making it “pure folly” for Zionism …

Consortium News: #GoogleGestapo – Twitter Facebook Instagram Agents of the Deep State Censoring Iranian, Syrian, Venezuelan Accounts to Protect Pro-War Lies

Under US Pressure, Social Media Companies Suspend Venezuelan, Iranian & Syrian Accounts This draconian crackdown on social media comes while the Trump administration is aggressively expanding its economic and diplomatic warfare against these independent countries, in hopes of ultimately overthrowing their sovereign governments. Read full article.

CENSORED BY #GoogleGestapo: WORLD WAR III: Ukrainian Flight PS752 Western False Flag (Remote Hijacking / Transponder Disabling to Trigger Two Tor-M1 missiles) Update 2: Iran Now Understands This Was a False Flag Cyber Attack

WORLD WAR III: Was Ukrainian flight PS752 a Western false flag combining remote hijacking and transponder disabling to trigger two Tor-M1 missiles? TEHRAN, Jan. 14 (MNA) – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), says the Ukrainian plane incident …