Josh Kilbourn: US Banks Under Minor Cyber-Attack – Probable Israeli False Flag — Meanwhile US Cyber-Security Largely Vaporware + Meta-RECAP

High Alert! Millions Of Bankers Cant Bank Online. BofA Blames Hackers From Middle East. Bank Cyber Attacks By Iran? Black Monday October 1, 2012? The financial and banking industries are on high alert tonight as a massive cyberattack continues, with potentially millions of customers of Bank of America, PNC and Wells Fargo finding themselves blocked …

Chuck Spinney: Drones — Of Idiots, By Idiots, For Idiots + Meta-RECAP

Attached is a really first rate assessment of the real benefits and costs of the American infatuation with drone warfare.  The writer, Patrick Cockburn, is one of the very best reporters now covering the wars in the Middle East and Central Asia. Chuck Spinney Cap Ferat, France America is deluded by its drone-warfare propaganda World View: …

DefDog: UK Guardian Does a Series on the Internet

Day one: the new cold war China’s censors tested by microbloggers who keep one step ahead of state media Inside Washington’s high risk mission to beat web censors Nervous Kremlin seeks to purge Russia’s internet of ‘western’ influences How tiny Estonia stepped out of USSR’s shadow to become an internet titan COMMENT: The real threat …

DefDog: Deja Vu on Cyber-Security, 25 Years After Terminal Compromise

Deja vu!  Seem to recall Winn Schwartau saying all of this in 1990-1991. The Looming Specter of Cyber Warfare: Deprivations and Social Breakdowns Keeping your finger on the pulse of evolving cyber threats is very difficult as they change so frequently and abruptly. In the following interview, IDGA’s @DefenseInsider explores the current and future landscape …

DefDog: $15 Billion for Cyber-Command, Zero for Actual Needs + Meta-RECAP

The myths behind the spending — disavowed by true subject-matter experts, manipulated by the military-industrial-congressional complex (MICC) to spend more on vaporware…. RSA Conference: On the Subject of Cyber War and Industrial Espionage Talk of an impending ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’ is not an uncommon image evoked during discussions of cyber threats to the critical infrastructure …