Penguin: Chinese Pick-Up Trucks with Gun-Mounts “Off the Shelf” — Affordable, Low Maintenance, Fast, Stable….

Law of unintended consequences — destabilize Libya, promote Chinese pick-up trucks with gun mounts. Now You Can Buy A Machine Gun-Ready Pickup Truck Ever fancied owning your own “technical” – the sort of pickup truck fitted with a heavy machine gun that rebels careering around the streets from Somalia to Libya have made notorious? Come to the Shanghai Auto Show and …

Search: how much humint is clandestine — Response by Robert Steele + Clandestine Meta-RECAP

ROBERT STEELE:  I have been watching with growing concern as Phi Beta Iota has posted a string of relatively radical posts on the Boston bombing and Texas fertilizer explosion.  As most know, I lean toward transparency, truth, and trust, and the last thing I would want to do is marginalize these voices for truth and …

Mini-Me: Syria & Chemical Weapons — Israel Lies, US Unconvinced, Russia Angry — Cost of US Meddling Rises for All

Huh? Israel Says Syria Has Used Chemical Weapons TEL AVIV – Israel’s senior military intelligence analyst said Tuesday there was evidence the Syrian government had repeatedly used chemical weapons in the last month, and he criticized the international community for failing to respond, intensifying pressure on the Obama administration to intervene. Hagel skeptical of Syria …

SchwartzReport: Good (No More Landfills) Bad (Nestle Owns Water), Ugly (USA Torture)

GOOD Like the piece I did yesterday on how New York could transition to non-carbon energy, this one addresses landfills, offering an actual example of how it could be done. The truth is we could recreate our society so that it was much more fair to all, and environmentally positive; only our lack of political …

Gordon Duff: Documented Words of Zbigniew Brzezinski on US Funding of Muslim Extremism in Afghanistan to LURE the Soviets In…..[Fast Forward to Chechnya]

The CIA’s “Founding” of Al Qaeda Documented The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon Le Nouvel Observateur’s Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski Originally published 15-21 January 1998 Translated by Jean Martineau (Editor’s Note:  The following article and interview have been suppressed by Google, now a “black-ops” contractor.  The background on US …

Anthony Judge: Questions Authorities Refuse to Answer — Questions that Demand Answers

Strategic Implications of 12 Unasked Questions in Response to Disaster Produced on the occasion of publication of an analysis of What Went Wrong in Afghanistan (Foreign Policy, March/April 2013) and of investigation of the Boston Marathon bombings (April 2013) Checklist of questions 1. What questions have not been asked? 2. Is any checklist of questions, …

SchwartzReport: GMO Poison, Nuclear Seepage, Eat Less Die Less, Obama’s Three Failures

BioTech Lies Exposed: Genetically Modified Corn Is Loaded With Chemical Poisons JONATHAN BENSON – Global Research The more I learn about GMOs (See The Great Experiment: Genetically Modified Organisms, Scientific Integrity, and National Wellness the more I am convinced that this is a vast planet wide animal study, and we are the animals. We …