Search: memetic leadership design

Wonderful serach.  We have some graphics and some books, and a couple of external links for you. Top Recommendations: Graphic: Six Circles–Earth Intelligence Network Operational Concept Graphic: Epoch B Multinational Network Rising Graphic: Open Everything Review: Evolutionary Activism by Tom Atlee Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny Review: The Compassionate Instinct–The Science of Human Goodness …

Search: “best practices” and “osint training”

Thank you.  Complex searches do not do well within Word Press.  Here are two distinct results for you, the first within Reviews, the second within Journal. Reviews: Best Practices in Management (96) OSINT is like anything else–clarity, diversity, and integrity matter. Other using search term training (OSINT is irrelevant, this entire site is about OSINT): …

Search: osint and it’s role in intelligence

Ref A: 2008 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic) Ref B: 2008 Open Source Intelligence (Operational) Ref C:2009 DoD OSINT Leadership and Staff Briefings Ref D:  2008 IJIC 21/3 The Open Source Program: Missing in Action Ref E: 2006 IJIC 19/1 Intelligence Affairs: Evolution, Revolution, or Reactionary Collapse?” See also:

Worth a Look: 1989 All-Source Fusion Analytic Workstation–The Four Requirements Documents

The software chapter in Book: INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH–Chapter 22 Technical Intelligence Enablers Loaded is being doubled up as our smarter colleagues churn it around, it will probably be extended several pages and have more linked references. Here are the four requirements documents for the all-source fusion analytic workstation converging in 1989–we do not have this …

Journal: The Greening of the Pentagon’s Strategy

Climate change may be an “accelerant of instability” in future conflicts, and the U.S. military needs to plan for possible environmental catastrophes and resource wars, according to the Pentagon’s soon-to-be-released master strategy document. Among other things, the draft QDR suggests the military will have to start planning for operations in which rising sea levels, an …


  More Than Espionage: Open-source intelligence should be part of solution   Washington Times   January 27, 2010    Pg. B3 By Andrew M. Borene Here’s some food for thought: White House policymakers and Congress can help develop an increasingly robust national intelligence capacity by investing new money in the pursuit of a centralized open-source intelligence (OSINT) …