2009 Defense Science Board Report on Understanding Human Dynamics

This report is so out-of-character for the Defense Science Board (DSB), and yet so vital to the emerging concept of “full-spectrum” Human Intelligence (HUMINT), that we consider it a “must read.”  It may well be one of the most important DSB reports of the decade.  It inventories the mish-mash of endeavors that presume to collect, …

2009 Intelligence for the President–AND Everyone Else [Full Text Online for Google Translate]

Intelligence for the President–AND Everyone Else How Obama Can Create a Smart Nation and a Prosperous World at Peace By ROBERT DAVID STEELE VIVAS Today’s secret intelligence community costs the U.S. taxpayer over $65 billion a year, and yet, according to General Tony Zinni, USMC (Ret), provides less than 4% of the decision support needed …

Review: Radical Man–The Process of Psycho-Social Development

Seminal Work, Get It Used, Should Be Reprinted November 23, 2007 Charles Hampden-Turner This book changed my life in the sense that it served as a foundation for my first Master’s thesis on Predicting Revolution, work that has not yet been surpassed. I myself developed one side of the matrix, finding through the secondary literature …

Reference: Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) Number 300: Management, Integration, and Oversight of Intelligence Collection and Covert Action

Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment (DOI: 11 August 2009) This directive is “senior” to directive 301 but rather strangely does not appear to be included in the essential references relevant to creating the OSINT discipline.  Key points: 1.  OSINT is co-equal to HUMINT and TECHINT in DNI emphasis and stature, but the ADDNI/OS does not …