Contributing Editor: Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius, whose works remain most relevant for all Whole of Government planning, programming, and budgeting (as well as operaitonal campaign management), is in this instance a pseudonym for a Special Operations field grade officer with decades of experience in deep HUMINT within ungovernable areas.

Journal: Marcus Aurelius Flags “The Class Too Dumb to Quit”

Our policy is to point to the original full sotry online whenever the source offers a persistent URL that does not require registration.  Below are extracts from Tom Friedman’s “The Class Too Dumb to Quit,” as flagged by Marcus Aurelius, pseudonym for a Special Operations officer with decades of HUMINT abroad. EXTRACTS: This scene is …


Phi Beta Iota Objectives Encourage and recognize public intelligence in the public interest Advance public knowledge of the proven process of intelligence (decision-support) Requirements definition Collection management Source discovery & vetting Advanced machine-speed automated processing Advanced desktop analytic tool sets Value of Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) over partial proprietary “entrapment” “Full-Spectrum” Human Intelligence (HUMINT) harnessing …