Search: Information Mapping (2010 Update)

Below is updated information followed by the original response. With the permission of Robert Horn, a co-founder of Earth Intelligence Network and also the “owner” of the term “information mapping,” we have posted his seminal work in easy to download and exploit segments: Reference: Mapping Hypertext (1989) Latest example of Robert Horn’s work: Reference: Sustainable …

Google Watch: Google is the only source, “Do Not Track Me” List, WSJ “What They Know” Series

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has a requirement to provide a secured, hosted environment that provides web-based access to geospatial visualization services and Open Geospatial Consortium complaint web service interfaces. The Schedule of Supplies/Services provides for the period of performance from 20 September 2010 through 19 September 2011 and two 12-month option years. This acquisition …