Stephen E. Arnold: ABC Denounced for Lack of Integrity — Stole Pol Pot Exclusive

Freelance Journalist Denounces ABC If this tale is true, it gives us a new angle on real journalists. Blogger Nate Thayer charges, “How Ted Koppel and ABC TV Tried to Steal my Life Work.” The freelance journalist’s post begins with a bold move: Thayer declares that though he is legally prohibited from describing what happened, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Human Creativity Key for Big Data Design & Exploitation

Creativity is Key for Data Scientists Hmm, does this defy the easy-big-data narrative? VentureBeat warns us, “The Data Is Not Enough: Creative Data Scientists Make the Difference.” Not only is there a shortage of data scientists in general, we are now told firms would do well to find data scientists graced with creativity. How pesky. …

Stephen E. Arnold: WikiSummarizer Makes Charts Fun Again

WikiSummarizer Makes Charts Fun Again Instead of having to read an entire Wikipedia entry or Web site, there is a neat Web tool that aggregates all of the information and displays it in a neat, interactive chart. The WebSummarizer was developed by Context Discovery Inc. to create summaries from Web pages, documents, and plain text. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Free White Paper on Free Visual Tools

Free White Paper on Free Visual Tools We recently found a free white paper on free visual tools that can present your information in a free-flowing form. These visual tools offer a way to spice up information presentation. The article, “Guide comparatif des outils gratuits de cartographie de l’information” located at Les Infostrateges summarizes a …

Stephen E. Arnold: Relational Big Data Stores Versus Hierarchical Databases

Relational Data Stores Versus Hierarchical Databases The article titled Codd’s Relational Vision – Has NoSQL Come Full Circle on opensource connections relates the history of relational databases and applies their lessons to the NoSQL databases so popular today. The article walks through the simplest databases that followed the hierarchical model and then into generalized databases. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Library Intelligence – Another Reason for the Open Source Agency (OSA)

Libraries: A Good Thing When you cannot locate information on Google, what does one do? Some people just guess? Others use spreadsheets and make up data? Quite a few people go to the library. Well, “quite a few” may be one of those unsupported factoids about modern life. Navigate to Pew Research and check out …