Berto Jongman: Julian Assange – CIA (and Saudi Arabia) Created Islam Terrorism

‘CIA created ISIS’, says Julian Assange as Wikileaks releases 500k US cables Mr Assange said a decision by the CIA, together with Saudi Arabia, to plough billions of dollars into arming the Mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan to tackle the Soviet Union, had led to the creation of terror group al-Qaeda. This, in turn, he said …

Berto Jongman: NY Post – Trump Needs to Make Heads Roll at the CIA and FBI (and Fire the DNI)

Trump Needs to Make Heads Roll at the CIA and FBI One of the thorniest questions facing the incoming Trump administration is what to do about America’s increasingly dysfunctional intelligence community, known collectively by its acronym, the IC. Made up of no fewer than 16 different agencies, the IC includes marquee services like the CIA …

WAR: Massive Build Up at Diego Garcia Aimed at Russia & Syria? – Not Declared by Congress — the Last Gasp of a Mad Criminal Presidency? The Clinton Foundation’s Final “Pay to Play” Deliverable to Saudi Arabia and Israel?

Tip of the Hat to Antechinus Part I: US gearing up for false flag attack blamed on Russia that enables a massive attack on Syria that can pivot against Russia. This is outright criminal insanity.  “Something Big Is Underway On All Fronts“ Part II: An eye witness report on the massive build up of bombers, …

Berto Jongman: Cyber – James Bamford Questions Official Narrative — Russians Did Not Hack the Clinton Emails

Commentary: Don’t be so sure Russia hacked the Clinton emails By now, Obama should also be wise enough not to trust the advice of his spy chiefs when it comes to cyber conflict.  . . .   “I think the public believes that the U.S. government – Cyber Command, NSA, FBI, Homeland Security – has the …

Norie Huddle: RIGGED — Electronic Voting Machines are Both Officially Rigged and Easily Hackable By Others

The first video is short, clear and the implications are huge and underscore what Trump has been saying in simple terms anyone can understand. The woman who cries is expressing what so many are waking up and feeling. TEST caught on video: VOTING MACHINE SWAPPING RESULTS OF VOTES A mini-election test conducted on a random voting …