Journal: Faux-Libertarian $6 Billion Anti-Government Fear Fund & Network, Corporate Media Fully Integrated

Poor Goebbels, if only he had access to DVDs and the internet, he could have run a fear mongering operation as effective as the one described so brilliantly by Pam Martens here (also attached below) — a thought which suggests a question: Is 21st Century American Crony Capitalism merely a way station on the road to …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China Using Rare Earth Elements (REE) to Test Economic & Technical Pressure Options

China and Rare Earth Elements: China’s new Five-Year Program will fail to bring any rapid change in export quotas for rare earth elements (REE), Chinese Ambassador to the World Trade Organization Sun Zhenyu said, Reuters reported. He also said China’s REE reserves were depleting quickly and that Beijing must conserve them. According to Sun, China’s …

Virtual President Announces Coalition Cabinet

UPDATED 29 May 2011 to add top-level link: Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This? Robert David Steele Recovering spy, serial pioneer for open and public intelligence Posted: September 30, 2010 09:41 AM Virtual President Announces Coalition Cabinet Click on Title to Read at Huffington Post and/or Comment. My fellow Americans, I am honored to …

Video on “Technological Disobedience,” Inventing to Survive and Liberate

The Technological Disobedience of Ernesto Oroza: In Isolated Cuba, Inventing to Survive In 1991, Cuba’s economy began to implode. “The Special Period in the Time of Peace” was the government’s euphemism for what was a culmination of 30 years worth of isolation. It began in the 60s, with engineers leaving Cuba for the Unites States, …