Debilyn Molineaux: Fomenting a Political Evolution

Fomenting a Political Evolution Debilyn Molineauz, President, The Coffee Party The Huffington Post, 6 May 2016 Having witnessed many revolutions via media, my preference is for an evolution. For me, it is the difference between war and peace. The difference between the French Revolution and the reunification of Germany. Both were systemic and dramatic. One …

Jon Rappoport: Another Vaccine Whistleblower….

Boom: another vaccine whistleblower steps out of the shadows The new film Vaxxed highlights one whistleblower, researcher William Thompson, who publicly admitted he and his CDC colleagues lied, cheated, and committed gross fraud in exonerating the MMR vaccine and pretending it had no connection to autism. Now we have another: Dr. Peter Fletcher.

Robert Steele: Human Intelligence and Open Source Technologies in Singularity Weblog

Human Intelligence and Open Source Technologies Robert Steele on February 1, 2016 in SingularityWeblog The current fads Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) are hot current fads. Both technologies have been a long time in gestation. The ramp-up has taken decades. The current bet – one I do not agree with – is that …